Google and the Long Tail Keywords
Long Tail Keywords. Every SEO expert who knows what is he doing, has heard of them? Actually they have played a crucial role in the evolution of the search engines and the way people browse the web for information. In this article I am going to talk specifically about not only because it is the biggest and most used but because it is absolute pioneer in its field. During the last few years the search giant has made a few updates and innovations that affected the long tail keywords greatly. In the beginning there was an update. It all started with the so called “May Update” in 2010 (Although Google Suggest was itroduced in 2008, the major chages started in 2010). Yeah, that’s right, it was nearly 2 years ago, but before deciding to stop reading bear in mind that this article would offer you a solution for your long tail organic search campaign which might prove useful at the end. So I was talking about the “May Update” and the moment when Google somehow restricted ranking for pages, optimized for long tail keywords. Talking in numbers it was between 5%-15% decrease in the long tail traffic. The update, combined with the Google Suggest and Google Instant services might have really meant the end of the LKT (long tail keywords). Although this didn’t happen and our long pals are still here, they are kind of neglected. But Why? It is common knowledge that Google have this advertising system called Google Adwords which is based on the CPC or CPI revenue models. To put it bluntly, you pay Google for in order to be ranked higher for certain keywords related to your site. So far so good, but when paid results entered the Google Suggest and Google Instant things were so pink any more. I support my idea wit a simple example. In the context of the approaching Olympic Games many people might search hotels in London. So imagine a guy that opens the search engine and starts typing his query: “London hotel in the downtown” but immediately after entering the “ho-” he is provided with numerous options which might not be in the downtown, but once the user has spotted them, he is very likeable to choose one of the suggestions and stop searching. That is why the traffic from long tail keyword dwindles. Because users simply do not input the whole query of 5-6 words but only a part of it. All this was a tactical move by Google, because short keywords combinations (1-2 words) might be cheaper, but they are searched much more than the long ones and that’s why their average CPC is higher. Automatically...
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