NFC Tags Vs QR Codes – Can We Compare Them?
Near Field Communication and Quick Responsive codes – I have already written some articles for both of them explaining their principles of functioning but the question is: Who would be the winner in a dispute: NFC vs QR codes? Some users and experts might say: “Wait, wait, wait, they are totally different things and trying to compare them is like wondering whether bananas are tastier then potatoes?” Actually there is a grain of truth is such statements but only a grain. NFC is a wireless technology that is mainly used for transferring digital content, virtual and contactless payments or performing any other kind of actions that require high security levels. However recently something new came on the stage which can be perceived as a competitor of the QR – NFC tags. It is practically a label or a picture that is meant to attract the user’s attention and a chip below it that makes all the magic happen. And magic here refers to an encoded URL, Plain text, Contact details, Foursquare Venue even a Password. So in what such a small chip which is graphically masked can be better or worse than a QR code? User interaction and Design issues. The first impression is the uppermost. Impress the user once and then he is much more eager to give you a few minutes of his precious time. Some claim that NFC tags are more user-friendly because you are not so restricted when it comes down to design customization. You can take practically everything – not only a 2D image but even an object – and integrate a chip inside. Nice isn’t it? With the QRs the basic concept is a black-and-white matrix layout. Of course creativity combined with a lot of experiments can end up in some really beautiful and eye-catching results. Take a look at my previous article: How to make my QR nicer in 5 min? If you can do this in 5 min, imagine what is possible if you devote a few hours/days in customizing your QR. Furthermore the ways QRs and NFC tags are exploited by the user are totally different. With the one you “scan” and with the other – “tap“. In order to read a Quick Responsive code all you need is a phone/smartphone with a camera and free (most of the time) QR scanner. With NFC things are a little bit complicated because your device must have a special chip installed that practically establishes the connection with another NFC chip, when near. On the other hand all that is required from you is to turn the NFC service On. No third-part applications, no additional software. Just Tap! Conclusion: Although NFC tags are...
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