SEO Tools made by Mobilio

Nowadays Search Engine Optimization is crucial for online businesses and web development. We from Mobilio believe that good SEO practices are the key to making your pages popular and widely visited. That is why we have made a few SEO tools that will help you examine your site, make it visible to the crawlers, full of relevant content and out of any SEO mistakes and errors. All of these tools in our SEO goodybag are really useful, easy to use and have been developed for OSX, iOS and Android. You can find screenshots and video tutorials of these SEO tools on their pages. In the list below we are presenting them in details.
1) SEOSpyder – the ultimate site crawling and SEO analysing software. Using it you can find out how different user agents see your website. SEOSpyder is developed for Mac OSX. This software can be used by programmers, designers and SEO optimizers in order to scan, find and fix any kind of SEO mistakes and errors, for example – all 404s. The main pluses of this app are: Custom User-Made Filters, Checking Out a Set of SEO and Social Metrics, etc. Read more about 5 More Things You Can Check Out About Your Site With SEOSpyder. There are two versions of this software – Free and Pro. The difference between them is that with SEOSpyderPro you can check as much links as you want.
You are still not sure whether this SEO tool is what you are looking for? Read more about SEOSpyder and download it now from our website or from the Mac AppStore.
2) SEOPingler – SEO Tool for Pinging developed by Mobilio. With it you can ping the site you want within a few seconds. The only thing you have to do is to write title or keywords then paste the URL and click “Ping!”. You can find how exactly to do this process on the picture below. When you finish the particular crawlers (search engine bots) will go to the site and “look” at its content. This app is really useful for link building. SEOPingler is a desktop software that support the following crawls:
- Google;
- Yahoo;
- Syndic8 and many others;

SEOPingler for OSX
So next time, you want to ping some site faster check out for SEOPingler on the Mac AppStore. Pay attention on the fact that it is Free! Also you can find some more information about SEOPingler here.
3) SEOggestor – Search Engine Suggestions. This is a Free, native application that is perfect for people who want to do some SEO and it is available for iOS, OSX and Android. SEOggestor is app with user – friendly interface. If you don’t know some keyword for your SEO content writing, you should try this SEO tool. The steps you have to follow in order to use it are these: write the word you want in the edit box and then click “Go”. The program will “suggest” you with many results. It will display the results in 6 tabs for:
- Google;
- Yahoo;
- Bing;
- Amazon;
- Yandex;
- Youtube;

SEOggestor for OSX
So next time you are wandering about some keyword check out for SEOggestor on the Mac AppStore or on the Google Play. Also you can read more about SEOggestor here.
4) SEOAuditor is the other SEO tools made by us. It is free and available for iOS, OSX and Android. With it you can find out what are the current Google PR of the site you are examining, its Alexa Ranking, Moz DA (Domain Authority) and PA (Page Authority). Also you can find the Facebook likes, Retweets and Google+ shares. The SEOAuditor’s interface is quite simple and intuitive. In order to use it you have to paste the URL of the site you want to “audit” and click “Go”. And you will see all results I mentioned above. You can find SEOAuditor on the Mac AppStore or on the Google Play. In order to read some more information about SEOAuditor click here.

SEOAuditor for OSX
5) DoFollowURL Safari Plug-In is a SEO browser plug-in made by Mobilio. It is really helpful when you are wandering whether one link is follow or nofollow. With this Safari plug-in you can very easily differentiate them. The nofollow link are crossed and this is the signal what is the type of the link you are looking at. The only thing you have to do is to download the plug-in and install it. It is compatible with Safari for OSX and Windows. You can find the DoFollowURL Safari Plug-In on the Mac AppStore.

DoFollowURL Safari Plug-In for OSX
6) Safari SEOBar is the other SEO tool made by Mobilio. It is really helpful when you want to check the Google index, Alexa rank and Social media ranking of some website. Compared with the SEOAuditor it is easier to use Safari SEOBar. You can operate with this SEO tool directly from you Safari browser. It is placing right under the address bar. By using this tool you can get information about some website like:
- Google PR (Page Rank);
- Alexa ranking
- Page tweets;
- Facebook likes;
- Google+ +1’s;

Safari SEOBar
So next time you are looking for some SEO tool like Safari SEOBar, look at the Safari SEOBar on our website and download it for Free.