SEOPingler a new way to get bots crawling

If you own a site and you’ve waited for a long time for the search engines to recognize it as a part of the internet, if you are a SEO optimizer and you have a lot of work do, you use the internet for business or just have a fun site you wish to share, this application will definitely help you.
SEOPingler is a new application that will certainly take you less time when you ping search engines, reducing the time from hours, days, weeks, years to just a few seconds! We all know that search engines do not send their bots right away, they take their precious time and your site will not be completely recognized as a part of the internet and as a part of the SE’s result pages, unless they come crawling and if you are indeed one of the listed above, your site needs to be in the first pages and hunting for a spot in the top spots on the first page is your goal. Getting in those top spots will not be easy but having SEOPingler will help you fight trough the first and last stages of SEO, or to be exact – when the site is ready for the beta introduction to the public and when it is completed with all of it’s pages and the content in it is uploaded and every time the content is updated. And the best reason for getting this app is the backlinking possibilities. Which mean when you use the app on your page, the app will read all of the backlinks you’ve placed on that page and will even visit the the linked site or if you have backlinks from other sites you can do the same. If you didn’t understand it, then that means you can ping a page on a different site with a link to your site and the search engines will scan and visit your site as well! So you can get more traffic and better rating in the SEs by visiting sites with backlinks to you! The same can be done to help sites you like by adding a link to their site in your blog and then pinging it for instance.
How does it work
The app uses XML – RPC push mechanism Which sends a signal to ping servers that create a list of sites or blogs and notify the SEs that the content has been updated and it needs to be crawled. Then the search bots do their job and prest-o change-o your site has been rated and placed in the search engine’s result pages. This is also a great way to increase your rating if you already have a site.

SEOPingler interface
As you can see the interface consists of two fields and a button. The first field is for a title, anything can be written there, the field itself is not important. The second one is for the URL of the page/site that is going to be crawled and you have to be sure it’s 100% accurate for it to take effect of course. The second window that will pop up after you’ve pressed the “Ping!” button will show the progress and if the process is successful or not. So in conclusion this is a very nifty little app that will definitely help you achieve better SE rank and more traffic and the best part, i forgot to mention, is that SEOPingler is absolutely Free!
The product and information can be found here:
Read more about Mobilio’s SEO tools and download them now from the Mac AppStore.